Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Now here's a Challenge

I've discovered my first big challenge I will be facing and am already facing here in Africa. Its the creche. Today was so challenging there. Wow! I guess first of all.. it was a little bit of my own fault. I only realized last night that it was Tuesday the next day which is creche day. And so I was totally not prepared... and so ya, but anyways, as I was searching the net for preschool kids games and activites and Bible lesson ideas I realized that we don't have many resources here and a lot of the fun games involved certain equipment.. say like a hola hoop or paint, etc. And then I also realized that wow, the creche doesn't even have the space to do a lot of things that would be fun for the kids.. Like painting, and making crafts and whatnot. I think I told you before but I will explain again. The creche is a very tiny house and about 50 kids come to this creche. There is one teacher and sometimes she has a helper or two. There is not much room at all to be able to do crafts or painting or other things. I found myself saying and thinking, oh man, if only we were just in Canada where we HAVE bigger buildings and more space and more resources and just where things are a lot easier to do and handle. It would be soo much easier! And then on top of that is the language barrier. Wow! That is something that really frustrates me that I cannot understand what the kids are saying to me and it frustrates me that I don't know what to say when they do something bad, or when I want to explain something to them or when I want to tell them where to go/what to do. Yes I do have a transulator and i'm soo thankful for her, because it would be impossible to do anything, but still, it's really hard and humbling because she will say what I say and then they will talk to her and I don't know what they just told her. And then when I ask her to explain, say a game to them, she does but then when it comes to playing the game they don't do what was expected and then I wondering if they didn't understand because they are younger or because she didn't explain properly or if she herself did not understand what I told her. And then I feel so helpless and like I'm not really doing what I was asked to do because I can't speak the language and so it seems like Spaangelay (the teacher) is doing most of the work because she is explaining to them and getting them into there places and dealing with the little fights the kids have and all the questions they ask.. All because I'm such a foriegner and don't know the language : ( Urg! It's really frustrating! Wow and so ya, this is my HUGE challenge for sure. It's very humbling because all my life when Ive dealt with kids it's been, well, I won't say it's been easy to deal with them.. but it's been and it's felt like I've been in alot more control and now at the creche it's totally out of my hands and I can't do much about it. I believe this is one way God is going to get me to lean on His strength and power more. I guess ya, that God has pulled me out of my comfort zone and placed me in a place that will make me to grow in different ways.
But don't get me wrong, it's fun going and seeing the kids and playing with them, it's just me.. umm. that makes me think.... that its' really not about me, but it's about the kids and it's about God and not what I want to have happen but what God wants to happen. Ill keep you updated on how this whole thing progresses.

1 comment:

Randy said...

Wow Lindsay nothing like getting thrown into the deep end. Who says life is boring. Just reading about your experience makes me exhausted!!! Fifty little busy bodies squished into a tiny room without teaching resources,and without the language sounds very frustrating. Just think in two years you may have enough language to communicate meaningfully. :>) Then frustrations lessen considerably. Communication is such a huge blessing. Just think a few years ago you wouldn't even be allowed to help these children. God has opened a wonderful opportunity to reach into the lives of these little children in some special way and demonstrate the love Jesus has for them. You are His hands. Keep pressing on, we are praying for you.