Wednesday, April 23, 2008

A Hammer and a Wall

I wanted to share with you guys something the pastor shared with the team this morning about prayer. It was soo powerful and a new and neat way of looking at prayer. Maybe right now you are praying about something that you have been praying about for weeks, months and even years. It can get disheartening when you haven't seen any change in that situation and you feel just like giving up and saying "Where are You?? Why aren't You listening to me?!?"

Here's what the Pastor shared this morning:

"Praying is like taking a hammer to a wall. Every time you pray, you knock off a piece of the wall and you get closer to the final result. Sometimes we get weary and sometimes we will stop using the hammer. This is when we fall into unbelief and in unbelief nothing will happen. What we don't know is that maybe one or two more hits may have crumbled that wall."

So ya, sometimes it's going to be tough, really tough, but God knows the perfect timing for His answers to our prayers and we as Christians must continue to believe that. The pastor also talked about the verse Jer. 29:11 where God says that he has good plans for us and plans to must us propser and not to harm us. Pastor said that verse is useless and irrelavent in our lives if we don't BELIEVE in that verse. He said the Bible isn't magic and that things won't just happen like that, we must have faith in it and believe with all our hearts.

Don't miss out on the results because of one final swing of the hammer!

1 comment:

Hilary said...

Hey Lin, Thanks for sharing that... I struggle with it everyday, and I'm guilty of giving up, but you just reminded me to keep knocking at the door.